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Click on the picture below for a video on the history of ‘neverthirst’ and Iron Tribe Fitness ‘Workout for Water’ 

Over 771 million people lack access to clean water, and 4 in 10 people lack access to the gospel and are considered unreached. When you give clean water, you ‘re providing:

  • A hope-filled future for families
  • The chance for kids to grow up and go to school
  • Restored time for women who walk miles for water
  • A platform for the gospel to go where Jesus is currently unknown

At neverthirst, we are in a mulit-year approach to saturate entire regions with clean and living water. Instead of serving various communities in one country, we’ve identified 14 regions with urgent and massive need for clean water and the gospel.

As neighboring communities begin to receive access to clean water, the health impact of the entire area improves. And it’s easier for the gospel to go forth among the unreached as pastors share in communities with close proximity to one another.

Together, we can see thousands of families no longer worry about having safe drinking water that is accessible. We invite you to partner alongside us to saturate these regions with clean water and see churches equipped and empowered to reach their own.

Since 2008, we’ve helped over 1,000,000 people gain access to clean and living water. And we are just getting started.