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What makes Iron Tribe Fitness not just another gym?

The culture, not the equipment, is your advantage! Functional gyms (those utilitarian facilities boating they have all the equipment, amenities, and bells and whistles members could ever hope for), can be found in every market. Walk in and what do you see? A sea of equipment from wall to wall. What do you experience? A pushy sales person looking for a quick commission who could not care less if you ever walk through the doors again. How do you feel? You feel strangely alone. The big-box gym model, and the smaller 24-hour type fitness models are built to sell thousands of memberships per location, and is designed to serve only a fraction of that number on a daily and monthly basis.

What people crave is a TRIBE!

If there is one truth in fitness it’s this: Merely functional, a gym is forgettable. That’s why thousands may join a gym and only have a few hundred active users. Under this investment model, success is not based on member participation, rather it’s based on total sales volume. Which, by the way, is the reason so few members remain constant in their workouts.



Contrast the utilitarian gym model with Iron Tribe’s team training model, and you’ll notice a stark difference. In ITF’s culture, every individual is treated with the respect of a star athlete. When a new member joins, our cultivation process showers them in coaching, encouragement and support. Every member, from the newest to the experienced athlete, knows they are a valued member of the team.

Iron Tribe is more than a gym. We are a tribe of members. our team training model places each member square in the middle of the action. No one is left out. No one feels alone. Everyone knows they are cared for. Our workouts are designed to be intense (but not too intense) and competitive (but only in a good way). It’s in this environment, in this culture, that Iron Tribe Fitness is able to transform bodies faster than anything you’ve ever experienced.

This team training environment creates a unified atmosphere, and a culture of, “We’re all in this together, we’re struggling together, and we’ll all get through this together.” It’s one of the oldest truisms in the book… When people struggle together, they bond together. They become friends. They become a team. They become a family forged through sweat and effort.

They become a TRIBE!